Preparing for Pregnancy
Becoming a mom has been the most rewarding experience of my life. It’s therefore not surprising to me that I would want to help other women on their journeys to motherhood. During my career, women have shared the good news of becoming pregnant while being on my Glow Cleanse, some had been yearning to be a mom for a long time, while others fell pregnant without even trying. I’ve even had women who finally had their period, for the first time in years. It’s amazing how the body reacts, both internally and externally, when you start living a healthier lifestyle.
Take the first step
If you’re looking to become a mom, the first step is to seek medical advice. Doctors, clinic sisters, and gynaecologists can advise you – taking into account your age and medication or contraceptives you’ve been on, while also taking a look at your sexual and medical history. Other things they’re likely to chat with you about are your weight, exercise and the correct way of eating – now that is where I come in!
Why is your weight important?
Yes, unhealthy weight can indeed hinder your pregnancy efforts and if you have diabetes, the baby could pick up weight, and might be more challenging during delivery. Being overweight may also increase your risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes and complications from high blood pressure. There may also be higher levels of leptin (a hormone that is produced in fatty tissue) in your body. This may disrupt the hormone balance and could lead to reduced fertility. Many women with excess weight can still ovulate, but research suggests that the quality of the eggs produced seems to be compromised. Now, I don’t claim to know it all. These are just my findings based on my experiences and that of other women I have trained. I am no expert, but love to share insight on lifestyle changes that I believe can assist you. Remember the healthiest you delivers the healthiest baby.
What changes do you need to make to be at your healthiest?
Toned tummies are made in the kitchen – and so are babies, well so to speak at least. A healthy diet can actually increase your chances of conception. Eating antioxidant-rich foods can improve fertility. Your diet should be rich in vitamin C, E, D, fish oil, and folic acid. Also, consume less refined carbs as the pancreas releases insulin into the bloodstream after a sugar spike and high insulin levels may hinder ovulation. Focus on eating foods to boost egg quality, womb lining, fertility, and your overall health. Munch on protein (preferably from white meat), cruciferous vegetables, salmon, quinoa, and leafy greens like spinach. Kale is another powerful vegetable because it contains elements needed for oestrogen metabolism. The Bump Glow is centred around these foods and you can increase your green vegetable intake even further by slurping up some Hulk Juice, featured in the cleanse.
Get physically strong
To prepare my body for pregnancy, I wanted to be in the best shape possible and always advise other women to do the same. Training is not just about the scale, as the benefits for your body and mind extend further than the running track or gym floor. You see, pushing yourself through a marathon while you’re out of breath shows you that you’re capable of pushing your body and overcoming the bumps along the way as things aren’t always steady and smooth.
During training sessions you might set goals (be it deadlifting 20kg or doing your first pull up) and when they are achieved you begin to realise that all things are possible. Our bodies are creations that can deal with many challenges – even the ones that could come with pregnancy. I have seen that women who are physically active tend to deal better with pregnancy as through training you begin to understand your body, and with this comes the knowledge that pain is temporary and rewards are on the other side – this is much like the labour process, the daunting c- section operation, and recovery after birth. Physical training also assists with your pre-pregnancy journey as it will help you maintain a healthy weight, improve your circulation, and reduce stress. Stress and poor circulation can also impact your fertility, so get the blood flowing, and calm the body and mind. Starting with exercise now also makes it easier to continue during pregnancy, albeit less intensely.
Make sure you have been approved by your doctor exercise. If you’re really exhausted split up the two sets over two days. Achieving a 20-30m workout is enough. It’s okay to split it
over 2 days.
Do my Pump the Bump program on my RushTushFit App.
Don’t forget about water
In my Glow Guides, I emphasise the need to drink PLENTY of water. Water is crucial, even pre-pregnancy. Dehydration can interfere with ovulation, affect cervical mucus, and embryo implantation. I also advise using glassware as plastic can affect the body and fertility.
Ready to get going? Here is my “preparing for pregnancy prescription”.
The Glow Cleanse rebalances your hormones and kick-starts the body’s natural functioning; cleanse the body of built-up toxins as you eat your way to increased fertility. You can follow a guided eating plan if you need assistance you can purchase one of my Glow Guides here, which includes my Bump Glow, for pregnant women.
My methodology is tried and tested, and it works. That’s the other reason why my eating and fitness plans help increase fertility.
I wish you all the best on your journey to motherhood. Give your body time and don’t feel pressured to race to conception. If things aren’t happening as fast as you’d like, there are lots of options available. Remember, I am always here if you need help along the way.
Enjoy the journey to discovering your most fertile and sexy self be careful what you wish for,
Rush xoxo
DISCLAIMER: RushTush content is based on her own experience and that of her clients
and Glow Girls that she has successfully trained and assisted during her career. This is
meant to help and guide females and is not intended as a replacement for medical advice.