Why Are We So Scared Of Cellulite?
It’s important all women know that cellulite is perfectly normal to have. I don’t know where or when it was sold to us that it was “bad” to have cellulite, but somehow along the way the beauty and health industry has profited off the backs of normal women anatomy by selling us unrealistic ideas of women’s bodies. I know it will take a lifetime of unlearning what is considered “beautiful” and “acceptable” in society, but the thinking will never shift if leaders in media and marketing continue to deliver the same outdated messages. One thing to consider, apart from how we as women feel about cellulite, is the males reaction to it. Not that I ever cared about what a man thinks, but many men react a certain way to things according to the way they think women want them too. Lol. Can we blame them? They’re just listening to us complain and they don’t know any better. I’ve written this piece so that women can understand a bit more on what cellulite is, how to live with it and also how to improve the smoothness of their skin. I hope to remove the thought that cellulite is “ugly”. My job is to empower you with knowledge about the phenomena and how to address it, if that’s what you want.
For those who want to know, yes it is possible to improve the appearance of cellulite.
Cellulite…what is this phenomena that we were taught to hate?
Cellulite is sometimes called the orange peel or cottage cheese syndrome. It’s also referred to as the mattress phenomenon and that’s because the layer under the skin looks similar to a mattress. In your mind, picture a mattress that is filled with balls and covered with a sheet of material. Between the balls there are short bands that hold everything tightly together. The thin sheet of material is the skin and the balls are fat cells filled with toxins. Every time you pick up weight the balls get larger causing the dimpled appearance of the skin as it pushes up against the surface while the bands still try to hold everything down. The thinner your skin, the more visible the cellulite or dimpling can be. It’s basically the texture of the skin and the quality of the layered skin.
Who can get cellulite?
Women, and even men, can get it and it usually affects the abdomen, legs, buttocks and pelvic region and occurs mostly after puberty. Cellulite is less visible in men, only because their skin is thicker than female skin. Female skin also tends to lose elasticity as we are said to age faster than males.
What is the cause?
There are many causes of cellulite, but eating too much fatty, processed food, simple carbohydrates as well as salt and sugar are the main factors. Other cellulite-causing culprits include genetics, hormones, lack of exercise, little to no muscle tone, toxins within the body and whether you have a high fat percentage as this leads to more fat cells that are also larger in size. Have you ever seen an olympic sprinter with cellulite? But, you will see many longer distance regular runners with cellulite. You also need to choose your panties wisely as tight elastics around the butt is said to cause cellulite as it may constrict the blood flow in the area.
Can I do anything to get rid of it?
Unfortunately, there is no “cure” for cellulite. You can however manage cellulite with lifestyle changes. Personally, I go through phases with my cellulite. If i’m adding weight, there will be cellulite. However, I have zero cellulite when I’m eating clean, supplementing with collagen, powering through leg routines, lifting weights, doing inclines, sprinting, hiking, running and doing stairs. But, if you squish your skin together, sit funny or get a different angle of course you’re going to see cellulite- it’s totally normal!
Here’s the plan I use to minimise the appearance of cellulite!
Get moving
Training regularly will increase circulation and that will lead to firmer skin. It also stimulates collagen and the amount of human growth hormone released by your body- both of which have thickening effects on the skin thus reducing the appearance of cellulite. Exercise increases blood flow to the skin, providing it with more oxygen and nutrients. This also provides a detoxing effect so any toxins in your cells will be released. Furthermore, your training will also help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, which makes the fat cells become smaller, and that will make the skin’s surface appear smoother. Now, don’t rush off to perform hours on the stationary bike, as cardio alone is not the answer to the end of cellulite! You need to do some sort of resistance training as well. Weight-bearing exercises provide the muscles under the skin with oxygen, allowing it to remove toxins from the body efficiently- and to remove cellulite, we must target the toxins that are stuck in the fat cells as well as to increase overall muscle mass.
I would recommend three weight training sessions per week of about 45 minutes. You’ll want to include exercises such as squats, deadlifts, step-ups, leg raises and my favourite exercise- the kettlebell swing! Running will also help you, but incline walking is the key to minimising your cellulite as it tones your muscles and creates circulation in the lower body while also increasing the quality of muscles, allowing them to push the cellulite-causing toxins out of the body. Try skipping, training using the stairs, and incline sprints also work well.
If you need further help with your training plan, you can always turn to my 8 week Newbie Body Guide and my 6 week Tush Sculpt, which focuses on lower body if that is your concern and you don’t have an apple device. If you do, download my fitness app here.
You also need to focus on what you put in your body:
Real fat loss is slow and steady, so resist any urges to try fad diets in a desperate attempt to drop the kilograms. Yo-yo dieting confuses cells and leads to them becoming irregular in shape, which makes the cellulite appear more pronounced. You see, yo-yo dieting may lead to weight loss, but then you gain it again and decide to try another crash diet, and so your fat cells are filled, emptied and then filled again. Remember it’s not just fat accumulation that causes the cottage cheese effect, but also the structure of the fat. So ladies, you simply have to maintain a healthy eating regimen because consuming simple carbs, sugars and fatty fast food doesn’t help you achieve smoother skin. Cutting down on sugar will have a massive effect on lessening cellulite!
Also, drink lots of water to flush out the toxins from the body and change the texture of your skin. Water retention is known as one of the biggest contributors to cellulite. We are always told that we should up our water intake in cases of water retention and you might think that that is counterproductive, but consuming water will allow the body to eliminate the amount of water that is stored under the skin. Try fresh lemon in hot water every day upon rising. You can also have my Bad Bitch Juice http://rushtush.com/bad-bitch-juice/ which contains grapefruit and lemon- ingredients known to minimise cellulite.
You can also try the famous Hulk Juice from my Glow Cleanse. It is loaded with lemon and greens as it helps emulsify the stubborn fat deposits so that they can be flushed out more easily.
Add the following food to your plate, as they may help minimise cellulite.
- Berries as it helps flush out toxins.
- Papaya as it prevents irregularity under the skin’s surface.
- Grapefruit- eat one a day.
- Ginger
- Oily fish
- Avo
- Banana
- Green leafy vegetables- actually eat plenty of any veggies for that matter!
- Diuretic fruits such as pineapple, celery, cucumber, onions and asparagus.
Start supplementing with collagen…today already.
Collagen is the “cellulite smoother” that you just have to add into your diet!
I talk about the amazing benefits of collagen all the time because I want women everywhere to experience the magical results of this powerful powder. Yes, your body does have collagen, but as you age you start to lose your natural supply. Hormonal change also results in collagen loss and skin becoming thin. But, as your collagen level increases through supplementation your skin walls will begin to get stronger again and will hold onto more moisture. The skin will also become firmer, thicker, more hydrated, more elastic and smoother than a baby’s bottom. This makes cellulite less noticeable. Many studies have shown that supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen peptides every day for 10 weeks can smooth uneven skin, increase skin density, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Hello cellulite-free body!
Women have reported to see results on my collagen in less than two weeks! Isn’t that amazing? Replenish your skin’s collagen by simply adding RushTush Hydrolyzed Collagen to your smoothies, water or Hulk Juice. It’s a best seller because more women are catching on to it’s wonderful benefits. It is an essential nutritional supplement used for smoother skin. Shop my hydrolyzed collagen via the RushTushLife app here. A 200g bag retails for R315 and the 450g costs R630. Take 15g per day and while you’re at it, add protein-rich food which contains collagen such as; bone broth, beef, eggs, chicken and beans as well as foods high in zinc, copper and vitamin C (from citrus fruits, peppers, tomato, broccoli and greens) to your meals.
Lastly, rigorously massaging the area and applying topical creams do have some effect as it stimulates blood flow. Dry brushing is also great as it improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and helps break down toxins. Here’s the problem though, the effects are temporary! Even the latest technology, such as radio frequency, body-firming treatments and laser lipo can only help to a certain extent as the skin has a turnover period and is constantly being renewed. So, if you are going to go this route, just know that it won’t be permanent and you’ll soon realise that exercise, increasing collagen and making healthier food choices is the only way to really combat cellulite. That is why I can only advise that treatments be done as an addition to a healthy lifestyle, not as the only way to rid the body of cellulite.
I know all of this sounds like hard work, but what amazing success story didn’t require effort? I hope you use these tips and share your RushTush Hydrolyzed Collagen purchases and cellulite-control journey with me on social media. Tag me on Instagram @rushtush and @rushtushlife.
Remember to do this for yourself and only if cellulite is causing you distress, because trust me, nobody actually cares. For me, there’s nothing better than a babe rocking her favourite outfit with confidence!
I look forward to seeing your skin-firming results!